Alcohol Consumption
North Carolina has a low rate of alcohol-related deaths per capita and a low rate of under-21 deaths. Mississippi has a high rate of under-21 alcohol-related deaths and the second-highest rate of deaths from acute causes. Maine has one of the nation’s lowest rates of under-21 alcohol-related deaths.
During this time, deaths from excessive alcohol use among males increased 26.8%, from 94,362 per year to 119,606, and among females increased 34.7%, from 43,565 per year to 58,701. The average annual number of deaths from excessive alcohol use among males increased by 25,244 (26.8%), from 94,362 deaths during 2016–2017 to 119,606 during 2020–2021 (Table 2). Age-standardized death rates among males increased from 54.8 per 100,000 population during 2016–2017 to 55.9 during 2018–2019, and to 66.9 during 2020–2021. During each period, among all excessive alcohol use cause of death categories, death rates among males were highest from 100% alcohol-attributable chronic conditions.
Alcohol-specific death
The death rate from excessive alcohol use in Hawaii is below average, but alcohol-related death is more prevalent among males than anywhere else in the United States (excluding territories). The District of Columbia’s alcohol-related death rate increases faster than any U.S. state’s, and the rate of binge drinkers is very high. Connecticut’s alcohol-related death rate is slightly below the national average. Alcohol Use Disorder and alcoholism have damaged some groups or demographics more than others. Alcohol abuse statistics indicate some inequalities may be due to social conditioning. † Number of binge drinking occasions in the past 30 days among adults who reported binge drinking.
Alcohol market in Hungary – statistics & facts – Statista
Alcohol market in Hungary – statistics & facts.
Posted: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Thus, the 2021 national annual per capita consumption level of 2.51 gallons of ethanol equates to a person aged 14 or older consuming approximately an average of 535.5 standard drinks in a year. Genetic, psychological, social and environmental factors can impact how drinking alcohol affects your body and behavior. Theories suggest that for certain people drinking has a different and stronger impact that can lead to alcohol use disorder. Measuring the health impact by mortality alone fails to capture the impact that alcohol use disorders have on an individual’s well-being.
Alcohol Abuse Statistics
Per capita ethanol consumption from spirits by region, United States, 1977–2021. Total per capita consumption of gallons of ethanol by State, United States, 2021. But as you continue to drink, you become drowsy and have less control over your actions. Because denial is common, you may feel like you don’t have a problem with drinking. You might not recognize how much you drink or how many problems in your life are related to alcohol use. Listen to relatives, friends or co-workers when they ask you to examine your drinking habits or to seek help.
Utah has the second-highest rate of female alcohol-related deaths and has the highest percentage of deaths due to acute causes. Statistics indicate Ohio’s drinking habits are on par with national averages. New Mexico has the third-highest number of alcohol-related deaths per capita among all the states; it’s 23.4% higher than Alaska’s per capita death rate, which is the nation’s second-highest. Nevada’s alcohol-related death rate per capita is high, but it has a very low rate of underage deaths.